In August of this
year, Facebook revealed that 78% of their U.S. users access Facebook from their
mobile phone (TechCrunch).
That may come as no surprise since 91% of the U.S. adult population now own a
cell phone, and 56% of them have a smartphone according to the Pew
Research Center.
The TechCrunch article announced that Facebook plans to
start sharing its daily mobile user count by country. In a statement Facebook
said: “…understanding who comes back at least once a month is only part of the
picture. Instead, businesses should focus on people who come back online every
single day.”
Facebook’s hope is that this will help advertisers know
which international markets they should focus their efforts on. Essentially
they want to show the big numbers to reel in advertising dollars. Facebook may need to clarify some of its data though. Many mobile phone apps are “on” once you download them, especially if you have Live Tiles, like the Windows Phone. Does active really mean "active" or just "logged in"? Are you counted even though you really haven’t check anything on your phone that day?

The article is not
clear whether Mobile Daily Active Users (DAUs) are unique users. For example,
most visit Facebook each day from both a desktop and a mobile device. So are
you counted in the total daily active users and mobile phone users? In
addition, the article shows the Mobile DAUs as a total, not broken down by
regions, like the Daily Active Users chart is.

Regardless of whether Facebook has showcased their numbers correctly, they are on the right track with their mobile strategy. As more and more global users continue to upgrade their phones to smartphones, the more people will be using apps to access their accounts.

Research from eMarketer predicts that mobile phone usage will continue to grow and by 2017, 154.7 million Americans will be using Facebook on their mobile devices. Advertisers should get onboard because Facebook mobile isn’t going anywhere but up. Plus, Facebook’s massive reach and million mobile users per day mean advertisers have a large opportunity for which they have only begun to scratch the surface.
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